At AISCT, we offer an American curriculum and prepare students for American colleges and universities as well as those around the globe. The AP Program is the leading college preparatory program for United States colleges and universities, providing college/university level courses that can be taken in High School.

Most colleges and universities in the USA grant credit and placement for qualifying AP scores, so it offers students a great advantage to have taken their courses. Students are also better prepared for college and the learning level that will be expected of them. It is also an opportunity for them to explore which subject areas they are most passionate about.

AP Subject Offerings

AISCT currently offers 22 AP courses in the following subject areas:

English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Chemistry, Biology, Physics I, Environmental Science, Psychology, World History: Modern, Comparative Government & Politics, Macro Economics, Micro Economics, French Language & Culture, Spanish Language & Culture, Studio Art (Drawing, 2-D Design, 3-D Design) and the AP Capstone Diploma program classes of Seminar and Research.

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