Innovation Term consists of 12 days of project-based learning that takes place at the end of the school year. It is during a time when traditionally not much learning happens. It is after exams, a dead time right before students depart for their holiday. What Innovation Term does is turns that upside down. It is a result of teachers choosing subjects that they are passionate about, and students choosing subjects that they are passionate about. It is this merging of passion meets passion. When we do that, what we see is truly incredible.

There are over 30 half-day and full-day options available to students from age 2 to Grade 12 to include opportunities to job shadow in local businesses. If students are passionate about something not specifically offered, they can do personalized learning projects as well. We have teachers who will facilitate that.

Some of the learning takes place in the school building, in various locations on our campus, and throughout our beautiful city. We also have opportunities where students can travel far outside of Cape Town, taking amazing voyages to include a road trip across South Africa, a conservation study in Botswana, a service learning adventure in Swaziland. Innovation Term is really about a time when the learning is the main focus. The bells no longer exist; the walls no longer exist. What students are able to partake in and follow creates this amazing learning experience. That’s Innovation Term at AISCT!

TEDxYouth@AISCT, June 2019

TEDxYouth@AISCT was an incredible performance and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the show. We started this journey a mere 10 school days before the event, and to see the students’ ideas develop, to watch them gain confidence, and to witness how much pride they took in the process, was inspirational to witness. We couldn’t be more proud of these incredible students.

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